3 Quick Tips to Treat Yo'Self!

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Who else is constantly on the go?

Right. Life is a lot. 

I have been focusing more on Self Care and seem to always revert back to the best episode EVER in Parks & Recreation-

That’s right. It is TIME TO TREAT YO SELF!

But – wait? How can you fit in a relaxing self-care pampering day AND stay in budget?!?!

Here are some quick fun ideas to relax, take care of YOU and have the most kick ass Treat Your Self Day Ever!!

1. Face Mask Yo Self!

I L.O.V.E face masks!

They are SUCH an easy way to take care of your skin and see almost instant results.
Check out this great quote on face masks!⇲
Dr. Marnie Nussbaum, Assistant Professor of Dermatology at Cornell Weill Hospital, New York City: "Masks are a great tool in the beauty arsenal—they give immediate gratification for a multitude of conditions including dryness, inflammation, redness, or even acne."
I love Jordan Essentials Face Masks because not only are they non-toxic and great for your skin - they are formulated for all skin types to help deep clean your pores. PLUS they can be used for more than just your face (detox your pits when you make the switch the non-toxic deodorant, calm down rashes/ pull pollutants from stanky feet etc.,)

 We have 2 masks with Jordan Essentials:
Detoxifying Clay Mask

  • Detoxify, deep clean and pull pollutants from your skin- made with Bentonite Clay 0 recommend for all skin types!

  • Purifying Charcoal Mask 
    • Amp up your detox with the natural benefits of Charcoal -known to help cleanse pores, manage oily skin and so much more! ( PS. this Charcoal mask is a wash-away mask, so NO worries you will end up doing a you-tube video ripping your skin off LOL

    2. Treat Yo Feet!

    My feet HURT. Whether it be from completing presentations to my students, having a ball at vendor events, dancing all night, or simply being just plain tired.

    With daily activities and being on the go, I really don't have time to go to the nail salon to get a pedicure. So this is such a fun way to self care while also caring for my budget!

    This collection is not only sending love to your wallet but also a fun way to sit down, and netflix and chill with your damn self!

    Jordan Essentials Happy Feet Collection has 3 products to let them puppies relax!
    1. Peppermint Pedistck - A Lotion Bar in stick! Use all over your feet and massage to seal in moisture
    2. Peppermint Magnesium Lotion - The FDA reports 55% of Americans are deficient in magnesium which results in many things including leg and foot cramps, muscle pain and more.  Use this Lotion to help reduce the inflammation and pain in your feet ( also aides in a more restful sleep)
    3.  Peppermint Pumice Scrub - Scrub Away dry skin and rough heels with natural pumice, salts, and walnut shells to create softened, beautiful, "happy feet!"
    Here's the skinny on how to use this set to it's maximum benefit!
    • Start with scrubbing your feet with the Peppermint Pumice Scrub to remove all the dead skin
    • Put a few squirts of magnesium lotion into a plastic bead bag ( like these). Put your foot in the bag and massage the lotion into your foot. Put socks over the mag and let the magic of relaxation happen!
    • Once you are done with your Thermal Foot Wrap, seal the moisture back into your feet by using the Pedistick!

    3. Treat yo WHOLE Body!

    Okay - so I left this one for last.

    Essential Oils.
    NO, I am not the crazy oil lady I swear.  ( I am a hot mess but hear me out!)
    I was the SAME WAY. Nope. No Oils. it's voodoo. nope nope nope. And then.... I tried them.

    And I am pretty damn impressed!

    Now a few QUICK THINGS before we flip back to Treating YO SELF!
    • I don't have time for mixing a ton of oils and using them . I like quick easy and simple ways to treat my self and relax.
    • I do not suggest ingesting oils- topical application is something I believe in ( our skin absorbs in 26 seconds - why ingest and possibly have gut health issues).
    • I don't sell diffusers. - why?! EASY - you can get them SUPER cheap at WalMart/Amazon/TJ Maxx.
    • Did you know breathing the aroma of essential oils is a safer alternative than candles or commercial air fresheners in your home or office?
    NOW on to the glory:

    Essential Oils are SO great for relaxing

    PLUS there is a whole list of health benefits that it's worth looking more into! 

    This set is an INCREDIBLY EASY and has 5 Essential Oil droppers to help you relax, feel happier, and assist your health!
    • Lavender Oil - Historically used as an antiseptic for for mental well-being, add the sweet scent and benefits to your life! ( I personally LOVE this to help me sleep!)
    • Orange Oil - Enjoy a dose of uplifting sweet sunshine!  ( I mix this with Frankincense Oil for a true boost of Mental Clarity!)
    • Peppermint Oil - Helps with low energy, headaches and nausea!
    • Tea Tree Oil - Naturally support and boost immune system health and fight infections
    • Eucalyptus Oil - Known for alleviating congestion and supporting respiratory system 
    You can diffuse these oils or for even more pampering I would suggesting adding a few drops into our Unscented Magnesium Dead Sea Salt Soak for the ultimate in relaxation!

    So There you have it!

    So, now that you know my go-to essentials for the perfect at-home spa day, what are yours? Which of the above do you want to try? 

    If you'd like a sample please request yours here 🠞 http://bit.ly/EssentiallyLeni

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